Big EO Analytics was at the FAIR Data Science for Green Life Sciences 2018. We’ve only traveled one building away from our home offices in Wageningen. Still, it was great getting access to data experts from Australia, USA, but also from the Netherlands, without even changing our regular coffee brew. If you’ve missed it, or if you just want to look back at the outcomes of the symposium, the entire content is freely available on our university’s website.
Andrei, one of our PhD candidates, also gave an overview of just how unFAIR big satellite data is and what directions we can take to tackle it.
Luís, from our ISRIC partner, also shared their experience with big soil data and machine learning.
In the end we’ve had a good debate over whether we should all become a little bit of a data scientist.
Congratulations, you’ve made it this far. We don’t all need to become data scientists, but there’s enough solid research already that is not and should get implemented already in our day to day work.
Check out the full FAIR data symposium photo gallery (Photo copyright Guy Ackermans).